USDOT: 983069 | MC: 822636 | SCAC: MVNE

Warehousing & Storage

Safe, reliable, Accessible warehousing

Our 12,000-square-foot warehouse is equipped with state-of-the-art inventory management. Our team is top-notch. The two things together mean your goods and merchandise are safe and accessible at all times.

About Our Storage Capabilities

With more than 20 years in operation, MTM has been able to grow and perfect our warehousing system to provide top-of-the-line storage; freight tracking; and smart spacing and placement.

All employees are thoroughly trained on our process and equipment to handle your products with care. Our warehousing and distribution services include a state-of-the-art inventory system. Cargo is divided into the right trucks and sent to the right destination at the right time.

While your merchandise and freight are kept in our care, we guarantee protection with our 24-hour surveillance.

What We Offer:

  • 7 days a week availability
  • 24/7 warehouse access
  • 24/7 surveillance
  • Short and long-term storage
  • Transfers
  • 12,000 square feet of warehouse space
  • No hazardous materials in house